Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meeting of the Minds at Dominican: Future Teachers and Librarians Collaborate

Collaboration with content area teachers is critical in our work as school librarians. Building those collaborative relationships takes time and effort. This event at Dominican University, while trying to draw pre-service teachers and librarians, is open to practitioners too. Please join the conversation about collaboration between classroom teachers and teacher librarians. Hope to see you there.

Meeting of the Minds: Future Teachers and Librarians Collaborate
Thursday, November 29th
Butler Children’s Literature Center, Crown Library 2nd Floor
Refreshments will be served
Join educators for a discussion about the power of collaboration between teachers and librarians moderated by School of Education professor Dr. Marilyn Ludolph and School Library Media Program director Dr. Don Hamerly. Practicing school librarian Dr. Erin Wyatt and teachers from Highland Middle School will share their experiences and artifacts from collaborative projects they’ve done with students.
The organizers hope that education and library students and practicing educators will attend the discussion and ask questions, share ideas, and join in the conversation. We’re looking forward to putting our heads together and developing our collaborative relationships!
*When educators collaborate, students benefit*

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hearing Authors Speak

Sometimes, one of the best ways to get students interested in a book is to hear the author speak about their work.  This is not always feasible, but Booklist is offering an amazing opportunity to hear author Patrick Ness speak from London about his books.  On Tuesday, November 13th at 1pm (Central Standard time) you have a great opportunity to hook your kids into something special!  Register here for this great event!