Friday, November 1, 2013

TL Virtual Cafe: Level Up Your Blog

The next TL Virtual Cafe webinar will take place on Monday, November 4th at 7pm.  If you have a blog, want to start a blog, or your blog is in a rut, this may be a great chance to change that!    


Does your blog need an epic win? How to add extra pages, engage guest bloggers, & how to make your blog your triumphant one stop shop and main web presence.

Visit the TL Virtual Cafe wiki to access information -

Thursday, October 31, 2013

ISLMA Conference 2013

I'll be packing my bags tonight to head to the ISLMA Annual Conference in Springfield. I am really looking forward to all the fantastic sessions and a chance to connect with many of my school library colleagues around the state.

ISLMA launched a new online scheduling website and app this year. It was great to go through all the sessions and create a tentative schedule. Although for some time slots, I chose several options and it will be difficult to pick just one.

After school ends, I'll be heading to Springfield. I just checked Twitter and searched the conference hashtag, #ISLMA13, to see what is already happening. Hope to see many of you at conference for a few days of great professional development and networking!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Library2.013 Conference

Are you looking for some free, online professional development?
The Library 2.013 Conference is underway!

Library 2.013
Twitter hashtag: #lib2013
Come join the Library 2.013 Worldwide Virtual Conference, October 18-19, 2013. This third annual global conversation about the future of libraries is held entirely online around the clock in multiple languages and time zones. Everyone is invited to participate in this FREE forum designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among information professionals worldwide.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Upcoming TL Virtual Cafe: Flip It Good

The next TL Virtual Cafe webinar will take place Monday, October 7 at 7 pm. The topic is one that I has been on my mind lately, the idea of flipping the library. 

Novice yet earnest flipper Marie Slim (Teacher Librarian and Spanish Teacher) will share tips, tricks, hashtags, mentors, pitfalls and successes. Flipping is made for the library - one of you and 2000 who need you!

Visit the TL Virtual Cafe wiki for access information -

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

YA Children's Literature Conference and Fan

Anderson's Book Store YA Literature Conference and YA Fandom Frenzy will be held on Saturday 9/28 and Sunday 9/29. For the full lineup of authors and events, visit the Anderson's page

Continuing PD Offerings from Dominican University

There are a number of upcoming professional development through the Dominican University GSLIS. More information can be found here.

Continuing Professional Education
B3: Butler Book Banter
September 19
October 17
November 21
Join Thom Barthelmess, curator of the Butler Children’s Literature Center, and fellow youth literature enthusiasts on the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. for lively book discussion, socializing and snacks.

Visit the Butler Center blog at for the books we’ll be reading. These events are free, with registration recommended.
Copyright Basics
Webinar Series

$25 per session/$40 for both
This two-part webinar series is presented by Mary Minow, library copyright expert and holder of Dominican University’s Follett Chair.Register
October 9
3:30-4:30 p.m
What Every Library Worker Should Know
Learn what's clear on copyright basics, what's not, and how to minimize risk.
October 30
3:30-4:30 p.m
Hot Issues
Learn the latest on cases and other pending copyright developments that affect libraries, users and access to information.
17th Annual McCusker Memorial Lecture
October 16, 6 p.m.

Martin Recital Hall
Sr. Mary Paynter, OP, will present “Educational Essentials on the American Frontier,” a look back at Father Samuel.

Registration required.
What's New: The Best of
Children's Literature 2013

November 1, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Aula Auditorium Priory Campus
Join Peggy Sharp, PhD, highly regarded children's literature expert, for a whirlwind tour of the best in children’s literature published in 2013.

$130 includes lunch, breaks and handouts. 7 CPDUs available.
Preparing and Responding to Natural Disasters
November 21, 1:30-4:30 p.m.

Gail Borden Public Library
Roles for Public Libraries
Crisis informatics expert Christine Hagar, PhD, will share ways public library staff can support their communities in times of disaster.

$75. Three CPDUs available.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

School Libraries: The Core of Student Success

I have always enjoyed professional development.  Reading blogs, pouring over journals, taking classes, or talking to my colleagues have always recharged my love for the job.  It energizes me and encourages me to do better.  I love that ISLMA's conference is in the first semester of the school year, because it give me the opportunity to try something different second semester.  I feel that if I learn just one new thing or get a spark of an idea for something different, then the conference was a complete success.  

The theme of the 2013 ISLMA conference is School Libraries: The Core of Student Success.  How wonderfully true is that statement!  The conference runs from October 31 to November 2 at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield.  Between the 80 sessions on Friday and Saturday, seminars on Thursday, an Author Showcase Saturday, and all the friendly people to network with, this conference should not be missed.  Registration has started on ISLMA's website; hope to see you there!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

New School Year is Upon us!

Whether you have already started or the day is still coming up, the new school year is here in many minds.  Once orientation is finished with, check-out has started, and the chaos has settled, make sure to visit the Google calendar attached to this blog on a frequent basis.  The event calendar is filled with many professional development opportunities and quite a few are webinars, which means you can look at them when it is convenient for you!  Have a great start to your school year and we will see you at the ISLMA conference in October!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Free Online Event: The Digital Shift

School Library Journal and Library Journal are offering a free day of professional development with the online event The Digital Shift: Reinventing Libraries. The event will be held on October 16, 2013. Registration and more information about the event is available here.

From the event website,
Reinventing Libraries will offer thought-provoking discussions and actionable solutions to some of the biggest challenges libraries are facing, including rethinking collections, engaging the community and helping students and patrons learn. The program will feature insights on managing new technologies and services; the latest developments in ebooks and streaming media; optimizing discovery; and much more!
Our speakers and panelists, including Dan Cohen, Susan Hildreth, Mimi Ito, Deborah Jacobs, Barbara Stripling and John Wilkin, will present innovative ideas and actionable solutions for and from libraries of all types – school, academic, and public.  
Sessions include:
Learning 2.0 Meets MOOC: Professional Development Evolves
Flipped School Libraries
The Community Joins In: Library Maker Spaces
eCollections: Beyond Novelty – Focusing in on Collection Development, Self-Publishing, and eMagazines